Glass & Gem Terrariums

Create your own terrarium within a glass vase, add leaves, branches, stones and greenery then arrange beautiful gems, polished glass and a dragon egg to your amazing terrarium. Let your imagination run wild as you create this wonderful scene. 

TICKETS $20 EACH - All kids aged 6 and upwards welcome, 7 years and under an adult must stay.

Please note $1 from your ticket will go towards our “Anxiety Friendly” classes.

BOOKING REQUESTS - Glass & Gem Terrariums

Bookings open 6th June

Session 1: Tues 16th July 9.30-10.30am: Event Code #GGT1

Carla will respond by email within 24 hours. If you are trying to book for the next day or on the day try calling or text if you need a quick response (0211801403). Cash sales for last minute bookings.